Episode 14: Part 2... More Ian On The Table

No Shownotes. Just Listen. I'm heading to Nuit Blanche to evade the ten million other tasks I have to complete so i can change and save the world, before the end of my poetry filled, dancing in my room by myself, chocolate soy milk drinking ordinarily spectacular life.
I love you. Post comments. Please.
Okay okay, I'm posting a comment! Michelle, I absolutely love these podcasts. I think they are very well structured and edited. Is there any way though that you can mention where some of the music clips that you include come from? Not the featured stuff, the stuff that you include as background or transition. It's really chill and I'd like to know where I can find more by the same artists.
Great work, your comments and interview questions are always thoughtful and articulate.
love andrea
i heart Andrea!
Oh yeah, I said I'd make a comment if &rea did. 'cause I was going to make a comment anyway.
But yeah, Throw Radio's my favourite thing on the internet. it sends chills down my spine. When's the next one! (excited)
is there anyway you can hook me up with the clips or pictures from the radical vulva's night or from the slam poetry gathering at Le Cagibi because I'd like to use some of the pictures for a post secret. If there is any way i'll pay for anything youd like i'd really appreciate it
get back to me!
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