Throw SLAM! highlights... episode 10

feat. Veronika Pienkowska
Michelle Dabrowski
Chris Masson
Chris Quotes
Jay Alexander Brown
Kym Dominique-Ferguson
Alessandra Naccarato
Episode 10. Check it! She sat on her ass all day cutting sound clips with scurrying fingers on a cloudy day. And she loved it. This episode features Veronika Pienkowski (Happy Bday I love you) and MishL chatting hung overly. We summarize the first ever THROW RADIO POETRY SLAM! which took place on April 14th 2007 at Cafe Chaos in Montreal. Highlights from every poet who competed that night are guaranteed to wet your appetite and shmooze you into realizing why you should become a part of this. Pure skill and pure heart filled the room. All styles of poetry are welcome so that diversity may ensue. Will you be the next at the mic?
This is the birth of a scene. Finally.
Watch history in our making. Enjoy!
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