Throw.Radio. EPISODE 9... feat. Spencer Butt

" What I'm doing and thinking
right now... matters to me."
-Spencer Butt
Episode 9 has been freshly pressed off the pause button for your listening pleasure. Yes, that's right in Throw Radio world episode 9's come before episode 8's! This show is so sick and anybody who saw Spencer feature at the POETRY SLAM this past weekend knows my fascination and adoration for this particular Man slash Poet. Spencer answers some interview questions and read's some work he didn't perform last Saturday. Hailing from Uxbridge Ontario, Spencer has been poetizing around Toronto for awhile now and his arms and legs are getting even longer reaching cities across Canada far and wide. He was a member of the 2006 Toronto National Poetry Slam team. He's in a punk band that is taking a little break, so no doubt you will be seeing more of him on poetry stages all over Toronto. Check out his myspace ( where he regularly posts events and shows he's doing. Purchase his chapbooks "Sometimes I wish Raptors still existed so I could get disemboweled and finally spill my guts to someone" and "My name is Scientist." If you saw him last Saturday night at the slam for CRYING OUT LOUD post some comments about what you thought of his craft here on my blog or on his myspace.
Thank you to everyone who came out and if you missed it, well... upon further examination, you missed the time of your life. Hope to see you at the next slam which will feature Saturday night's winner Kym Dominique Ferguson! (Probably around mid June, sill finalizing the venue)
Watch out for episode 1o which will feature
highlights from the first
POETRY SLAM... which took place on April 14th 2007.
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