Friday, May 25, 2007

Podcast Awareness... Don't Be a Media Square.

Special Thanks to Big Roshi Rosh for giving me the idea and Miss Extra-ordi-NORA for the beautiful photo!!

I made it really fast so I can hand some out tonite and even though it looks kind of shite... there's something about the hand made pasted-ness
that gets me excited...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Throw's ode to Mongo slash being alive slash Alessandra Naccarato slash having more time... Episode 11

Hells yeah people!

the hustle continues...

Episode Eleven features the lips of bold enigma of a poet Miss Alessandra Naccarato currently wandering the streets of Buenes Aires "chasing fat pigeons, smoking marlboros, half-drunk in the day shine" aswell as a deliciously momentus interview from when I caught up with her moments before her last party in Montreal. (for now)

See her page for your mission to find a copy of 'Audiobox' or just browse through all the amazing labors of love she's pushed out in the past year or so.

See Spencer's new poem at

Check out Mongo at the indiefeed performance poetry podcast at

and finally bike your ass up to Parc and Jean Talon to see me perform at the Ms.Guided inaugral zine launch(an experiential publication for the traveling woman)

happening May 25th at 9pm, $7-10 sliding scale with a copy of the zine

see flyer above...


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