Sunday, November 13, 2005
Saturday, November 05, 2005

I miss my mama. This is her my age. When I look at these pictures I am astounded and something is pulling me into that time. Like I was there, except I wasn't. I always see her as this enigma and I look up to her like crazy. So classic. So stylish. So gorgeous. So subtle but confident with her little dog.
Also it's all about what is left behind. No-one really takes care of their pictures. We album some, we frame some. BUt then there are some we forget about. They get left in a box, inbetween book pages. I think my mum has kind of forgotten this one exists so Ima frame some for Xmas for her and surprise her.
Still shy

Im gonna continue to post images from my image bank for awhile until I get used to this damned thing and reason with myself why I am doing it. I have looked at so many other blogs. I want to make my own template but i don't know if I am that computer savvy yet. I'm not gonna tell ANYONE about this bloggy thingy until I get it to the state I want it to be in. This collage I made in London and was submitted as the cover of my portfolio for Concordia's creative writing program. I like it. Especially the caterpillar. The mushroom behind him is a Fly Agaric I think. Anyway I'm excited about this but it's gonna build slowly and there is no rush. Just little blurbs and more images until I figure this whole thing out.