Throw Radio Goes Green! (Episode 7)

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Episode Seven and Eight will feature Natalie Edwards and Brian Davis, two sexy Canadian scientists both in the field of genetics at University of Toronto. (Okay. so their not scientists, they're creative writing students... ) But they've got their heads screwed on really really right and I love them. In this episode we ruminate on the struggles facing humanity today and they speak about seeing David Suzuki and Al Gore at the Palais De Congress last week. These are big issues and wherever you are, you've probably been feeling the effects of the repercussions from our treatment of the environment. We had the craziest winter in Canada, Montreal and Toronto saw their warmest Decembers yet. The cherry blossoms in Washington bloomed in January. (you'd think they'd notice!?) Personally I see this as a part of something bigger. Our environment is a part of us. We are not seperate from it. So in a sense, the way we have treated it is the way we have been treating ourselves. I feel it's a deeper issue in the evolution of our species then what people make it out to be and David Suzuki, Natalie and Brian get that. The way these three people embrace the concept of CHANGE is where it's at.(copy and paste it into your browwwwwwwwser. please.)
Enjoy these two episodes and POST SOME FUCKING COMMENTS!